Zgnilec atakuje polskie pszczoły
W szczecineckim palą ule z powodu plagi zgnilca amerykańskiego
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Monsanto i pszczoły. Źródło: https://www.facebook.com/GrowFoodNotLawns
So Monsanto (maker of genetically modified seeds) has a bee problem. The bees keep taking the pollen from Monsanto’s GMO fields and cross contaminating them with the organic plants (at the farmer’s field next door). So to protect their patented seed technology, Monsanto has sued 410 farmers for 23 million dollars because they are growing Monsanto’s cross contaminated plants without permission (and won the suit). Then to make sure this does not happen again, Monsanto re-engineered their plants so that the bees will slowly die out if they come in contact with their genetically modified plant’s pollen (in a matter of days). Does Monsanto have the right to kill off the entire bee population in order to protect their patents?
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Podpisuję się obiema rękami pod hasłem - ratujmy pszczoły.
OdpowiedzUsuńMój Tato jest pszczelarzem i wiem w jakim tempie znikają pszczele rodziny, to przerażające. Temat nurtuje mnie od kilku lat. Polecam filmik "Milczenie Pszczół".